I went to a networking meeting in Lichfield run by 4Networking in January and I ended up sat on the table opposite this man who had sticks and some sort of difficulties with his body. So we got talking. I mentioned what I do Stress Management, Pain and Injury Management by looking at the body’s 2 top priorities breathing and movement via hip flexion. He introduced himself as Martin Warrillow, a writer and now a blogger and speaker about surviving a Stroke, that happened to him in December 2013, whilst crossing a road whilst a bus was coming towards him. Martin was interested in what I did and so we arranged the 10 minute session with each other, you get 3 x10 minute sessions with people of your choosing after your 60 second introduction that everyone does. He expressed an interest in trying a treatment, he was still seeing a physiotherapist, that he was referred to by the hospital. However he knew his breathing was an issue and so was the ongoing left side weakness, his speech was good for someone whom not long ago suffered a stroke, although I do not know many people whom have suffered a stroke in person. So I emailed him once I got back as I would like to work with him using the activations to see if we could get the left side to be stronger and improve upon his breathing. I knew cost was an issue, however I wanted to see if I could help him, so we came to an arrangement since he is a writer and journalist, that he shares his experiences about working with me and helps me with future press releases. And if he could cover my basic costs, as he had to pay to come to Derby from Tamworth by train and I would pick him up from Derby Station and take him up and back to Broomfield College, where the physio treatment room I use is and it was agreed upon. First session with me, we went through history of injuries, most recent of course was the stroke, which whilst having a stroke and a seeing a bus come towards you whilst not being able to do anything has got to be a very traumatic experience. I also discovered he had suffered epileptic fits whilst in his sleep, his wife, Mrs Warrillow, would discover him fitting during his sleep in 2006 and was put on steroid medication to stop the fits. Martin was also born with Spina Bifida, which was removed as a baby. Just before Martin’s Stroke, 2 weeks before, he was told his job as a National Naturist Magazine Editor was not going to be renewed which he loved for 3 years and 9 months, albeit working crazy stressful hours, the last 3 months ended up being really stressful. When his epilepsy started in 2006 there was also a lot of stress in his life at that moment in time. From hearing my Be Activated teacher’s stories about one young lad, who had been activated by a family member but was still struggling to play basket ball, he was tall and this you would of thought be super easy for him, yet there was something not quite right, not been able to put your finger on it so to say. So one time Doug, my activation teacher, was staying with the family and he asked about the lad’s birth if any complications and his mother said he was born with a 6th little finger that got removed as a baby, not even the lad knew about this, and now many things just linked together in Doug’s mind and he worked on the lad with activations relating to the trauma of loosing that little finger that was apart of the lad and all of a sudden everything became easy to the lad, he could move and play so much better. Which is quite amazing so I wondered if this could be the case for my client Martin. Why do I wonder if this is the case for Martin, well he has said he has struggled with his breathing even as a child, he isn’t asthmatic. Martin also struggles to carry his head on top of his shoulders always looking down, that condition was there as long as he can remember and the same with his left leg being turned out as he walks, which the stroke has quite possibly exaggerated these weaknesses in his body, however they were there before the stroke and by having the Spina Bifida removed could of created a trauma in his body to shut down and protect itself, which means the body will sacrifice to survive, so the left leg could of rotated at this point, due to the removal causing the Lateral system (lateral sling, frontal plane) and Posterior system (posterior chain, transverse/rotational plane) to break down. During the first session I found the 123 pattern Martin’s body is running through the use of the muscle flexibility and resistance tests. 333 Left arm and 333 left leg. 333 left arm is doing area 1’s function the hip flexion of the right hip and really over working and fatiguing much quick due to the affect the stroke has on the body. 333 left leg is doing the left hip flexion. I described everything I was doing in simple terms and more body technical terms of the neural pathways between muscle and brain. I went on going through the activations and re-testing the corresponding muscle I had activated, I only got to the quad activation on the first session. When I got Martin up of the couch and stood up, he felt a difference in his legs and then I got him walking up and down the corridor without his sticks. I felt I had not done much as I knew that his diaphragm was not yet activated fully, he still was struggling to get the breath into his belly naturally, however he was impressed with what happened and how his body felt to him compared to when he came in. This was the email I received later on that day; Hi Emily, Thought you might like to know I have just walked all the way from Tamworth railway station to our house (about a ten-minute walk for a 'normal' person) without my sticks - the first time I've done that since my stroke. Let me know an address and I'll send you a cheque for today's treatment. And don't forget to send me some info I can use for my blog and a feature. Best regards, I was amazed by this, that he was feeling that confident to do that and during the time before I saw him again he told me he walked several times with Mrs Warrillow’s help for 10 minutes without his sticks again, which is amazing. The second visit I managed to do all the activation points on him, still seeking the belly breath to happen through the activations and still only a slight improvement with a little more breath reaching his belly, but still happening in the chest first. When the diaphragm is functioning well and we are not in fight or flight state then we should breathe in to our belly first that way we are getting more oxygen into our lungs and then body. Chest breathing means we limit the oxygen intake to only a third or less that gets into our body. Some of the activation points were holding, some areas there was room for improvement, but we nearly got his leg touching his head so not too shabby from that activation point. I did some release work on his left leg as this time I got him to take off the brace he wears, which to me seems to constrict his ankle and foot with compression but not really give any benefit to the ankle or foot function, just adding to the squished compressed appearance of the left foot, which was like that before the stroke and the turned out appearance has possibly been there since childhood, the brace was trying to help that out. As his lower left leg that is driving the hip flexion and unless the hip flexors are fired up to do their job the lower leg is going to keep doing that function until the correct communication between muscle and brain along the neural pathways is switched back on and this is what the activations do along with affecting the breath into the belly which is a sign of a parasympathetic drop - rest and recover high performing state, which is where we should function from most of the time in our life. After all the activations I got him standing up and then walking to feel the difference in his body, up and down the corridor, this time telling Martin to go faster, he was walking a lot more straight and upright, feeling more confident, he came in with 2 sticks this time and I mentioned to him, I prefer people to walk with 2 sticks from when a person walks with one they tend to lean on it too much and stoop on it, which creates a further problem with their posture, with 2 sticks you can be more upright in posture, like nordic walking. On the third session with me Martin was now just walking with one stick and walking a little quicker. I always start the session looking at how area 1 is functioning, if the hip flexors are firing, observing the breath and doing the 123 tests to see what area is in charge and Martin still is 333 left arm and 333 left leg. Going through the activation points again, looking to get the parasympathetic drop shown via the belly breath. This time I went and did some work on his jaw on the inside to release the muscles as they were very tight, which he told me he had discovered a new level of pain. I work lightly, if I work too hard with the points I loose feel and effectiveness on the body. I opened him up to his own pain, the pain is yours that has been numbed out, forgotten it yet it still exists, which is shown when I go into these seemingly vulnerable areas. When I finish and re-test the muscles to show the effect of them being activated and ask how you feel after as during some are very good at letting me know I have the right point. Afterwards you know it is worth going through that suffering as things shift, release and start to function as they can. A little more breath was happening in the belly, still chest first however more breath into the belly once again. This time when walking up and down the corridor I got him to go much faster in his walk, Martin was much straighter and upright, no wobble. Martin was now becoming much more aware of his body and feeling more through the activations and gaining more confidence in what his body could now do. I still knew there was still further improvement to come if I could get that big belly breath, as I knew there had to be a trigger for it, an emotional one. On the Fourth session, Martin was walking much better with one stick. This time I went for the diaphragm activation point and I had Martin place himself mentally in the position of when he was having his stroke, with the bus coming towards him and not being able to do anything from the effects of the stroke taking over his body, whilst I focused on the diaphragm activation point and then it happened… the big belly breath. His area 1 then fired after the activations and area 2 and 3, he felt much more discomfort from the activations than ever before as he started to open up to feeling more in his body and also when we going into a place of stress then it can feel much more overwhelming and painful in the body. When I got him to stand up and walk Martin mentioned his left leg felt normal like his right leg, that was good, no amazing, as the body was now getting it’s priorities met of the breath into the belly and area 1 hip flexion happening from the psoas (hip flexors). So I tested the walking with him again, up and down the corridor, shouting faster, faster, come on faster, Martin was walking at a decent pace and straight, so I commanded faster he said ‘if I go any faster I will be running.’ So I said well run then, so he did up and down the corridor 6 times in total, with a brief pause as he mentioned his left ankle felt vulnerable and a tweak happened, so I stopped and activated him on some points and then got him to run again and he was good again. I then got him in the Butt Bunji to see how he would be and feel in it, as this is a great tool to feel and get the butt working. Now Martin mentioned he wanted to do a sponsored run in the summer of 5K at the very first session or even cycle, which he thought was a pipe dream but he was aiming to do it, he just got a little closer to being able to make it happen easily. Martin mentioned the Tamworth Herald was doing an article on him, which he was including me in and the Derby Telegraph was doing an article also. A Derby Telegraph photographer was supposed to of been booked for session 5, however they never showed up, which did not help Martin out whilst I was working on him. It seems to of been a miss communication with the editor forgetting to confirm and book the photographer for that day. Session 5. I had the visual fields in mind to do with Martin, however he wanted me to take a closer look at his left shoulder that was in pain. The left arm is the one driving his right hip flexion. So I did the 123 pattern checks and area 1 the posts was not firing again…. hmm…. I don’t know maybe other things happening here. Breathing has improved massively a lot more belly breath, looks much easier when I am observing Martin lying on the table. So whilst waiting the photographer I went through the whole activation sequence with him to see if anything shifted, we got a better range but still pain. So I put his arm in overhead extension and then activating the lats/piriformis point, rotation and shoulder mobility points, superspinatus points also massaging tight areas on the left arm. I would then move his arm back to his side and overhead, and his arm would tense up as I moved it, constantly fighting to be relaxed, so I got Martin to focus on keeping the arm relaxed when I moved it, as soon as he fought the pain happened, when he relaxed and let me move the arm, much more movement and less painful. So there is something going on that means the arm still over works and fights when being moved overhead in extension or round the body to reach behind as if getting something out a cupboard low down, which was how he aggravated the left shoulder.
When I sat Martin up and got him to move the arm how he would when the pain triggered, there was a massive increase in the range, still some discomfort. When I got him to walk up and down the corridor this time we focused on getting the left arm to relax whilst walking, shaking his arm and fingers quickly, re-training them to stay switched off instead of tense up and constantly over work whilst he walks, hand goes into a tight fist or he carries something in the left so it can stay tight and drive the right hip flexion. Martin was walking up and down without his glasses on, which was different, as I do make him move through the door which I hold open. Walking much straighter and upright, head still forward of being sat on top of his shoulders, could be a visual field issue. So just shaking the fingers whilst having balance when walking fast was enough of a challenge for that day. This time he did not wear his ankle brace as he was feeling it was not giving him any benefit , as I get him to walk barefoot up and down the corridor, so it is never on when I do that. So we go to drop our passes off at Broomfield reception with the lovely, welcoming and knowledgable Vicky, Martin was keeping pace with me, easily and when leaving reception he held the door for me and he commented on it shortly after. He just did it automatically, now this was something major in my opinion, as his body language prior would be help me I don’t have the strength nor balance and I need someone to open it for me, which came from him suffering a stroke and the mental and physical issues that occured from that experience, as some of the doors in Broomfield look challenging, they are not, just appears so as they are large glass doors. I just love seeing the immediate changes in Martin when I work with him, how he would avoid opening doors, wobble walk slowly with 2 sticks to an confident door opener, carrying one stick - just incase, whilst walking quite fast next to me. Sometimes we forget it can be the little things that can have a big impact on our lives. I know there is more to happen with Martin, to see what could possibly happen with the visual field activations and if I can help release the trauma from his Spina Bifida and from discovering more about his conditions from his blog, he suffers with hydrocephalus which the more I think and feel about things all relates back to the trauma of removing the Spina Bifida as a baby, I could be wrong however this article popped up the other day which shows the effects of stress suffered in childhood affects the rest of our life www.iflscience.com/brainchildhood-trauma-alters-neural-responses-stress In session 6 we will hopefully have the Derby Telegraph Photographer with us, which will add to the mix of things being interesting and quite likely more pain for Martin, however he is up for whatever is to come with all the massive improvements his body has had already by me helping it to meet it’s 2 main priorities of breathing and movement. In session 5 Martin mentioned he learned to hold his breath as a child from traumatic experiences and would pass out from it, which I was seeing a similar pattern on when I activated certain areas we would get the breathing into the belly something good happening, then when I stopped activating on a point and watched his breathing he would take a breath and hold, I would patiently wait to see when he would breathe again. Breath holding can because we don’t want to let go of something, we would rather suffer and even make a choice to die rather than live, as we most likely at an early age been taught it is a good thing to cause suffering to ourselves as then we are loved. Just a theory of mine. The Video shows me doing a muscle test on the Psoas (hip flexor) on Donna to see how it is firing, if the leg can not hold it's self in that position then the Psoas is not doing it's own function. When you have pain else where in the body and previous injuries, say to the lower leg/knees/back/shoulder/arm, I take it that your hip flexor (psoas) is not doing it's correct function of flexing the hip and another muscle has taken over it's job, which puts your body into a stress state. When I have activated the Psoas it then holds strong in the muscle test, which takes far more effort from me than before, the hip flexor now is being taught to remember it can do the hip flexion job and keep doing so. You can see the big difference in the test and how simple it is to change the dynamics of the body. The Psoas muscle is quite an important muscle to have functioning correctly in our bodies, we can not do anything without hip flexion happening in any form of movement. So the better it is performing the easier our movement can be from exploding outwards with power instead of the common pattern of implosion due to stressed out lives/jobs/injury trauma. The hip flexors partner is the butt (glutes) both these muscles should be driving our movement and power outwards, when they are not functioning other muscles take on their jobs which other muscles are not designed to do and means the body starts to implode in on it's self, which means pain and stress in the body, survival mode instead of live and thrive mode.
17/8/2014 Saving my own Butt!So Last Friday morning I was out with 2 friends doing some MovNat playing up in Belper, hanging around on the goal posts, balancing and jumping in the woods, climbing through the trees at low height, as I still not released my fear of heights.
One way was easier to climbing through from tree to tree, so we decided to experiment going the other way, my friend Becky was successful, although she is good at climbing trees, my turn................ So I got to the bigger gap where the opposite way you can grab on to the short dead branch to help lever yourself into the tree, but I was only using one hand and short amount of time with weight on it.................. So I had one hand on it trying to get across the gap to the next tree, so I decide to put to hands on it to swing across, with Becky going "I don't think it will hold your weight Em" I either said out loud it will be okay or I was thinking it in my arrogance........... Next thing a loud crack............... and I knew I was making my way to the ground, full of holly leaves that were pricking me earlier, that wasn't my thought, my thought was as I was falling which part of me is going to hit the earth 1st, which part is going to hurt the most! That second seemed to take along time! So my butt hit the ground 1st followed by my shoulders, with my head hitting rather lightly compared to the butt and shoulders................. So my hands went on autopilot activations, from the start the diaphragm to the end before I even moved as I knew my body was in shock and pain, which I only felt when I got up, I made sure I had some belly breaths beforehand and I got up slowly and I could feel the sacrum into my butt complaining and my left shoulder. On getting into the car and driving home I knew more activations were required over again with sensations that were coming up............... getting out of the car opening the gate was sure interesting and plenty of neural pain sensations going on in the buttasna............. getting back in the car the same to drive down the yard to park it............ So I sat in the car and activated whilst my visual field was under stress to shift that impairment that was causing more stress on the body from the accident, which made getting out the car easier. I was going out to Derby Climbing Unit that evening so I wanted to be able to move better for that and myself........... so I spent all afternoon moving into positions that caused me pain and activated, which was painful through the whole sequence every time I found a new painful movement, but knew it was working. I walked my dog and found I was better for moving so I definitely went out to watch the bouldering competition at the climbing unit, taking my carob and banana smoothie for dinner. By being out and moving and staying upright definitely helped things shift, as I was concentrating on the climbers and the moves they were doing, some were amazed that I was mobile from the fact I said I fell that morning! I am mobile and still healing 2 days later, but most of the neural pain in the butt has shifted only on some movements it still goes off, shoulder is so much better and the simple fact is it is down to the activations that Doug Heel, Be Activated, taught me and softening to the pain ( I am still learning to do!) instead of running from the pain, I breathe into it with deep belly breaths. So for any injury that has happened I highly recommend to get doing your activations if you have been seen by me, it will drop your body into the healing state instead of the stressed state. I have no bruising, it was a heavy impact and no swelling all thanks to doing the activations. I didn't realise that one day I would be rescuing my own ass with the activations, but sure am glad it's on autopilot! Lesson learned in that situation! ;) 28/6/2014 L'Eroica BrittaniaI only found out about L'Eroica Britannia the week before it was happening, as I heard my brother talking about it and my dad sent me the link saying I might be able to do the Be Activated treatments there. I already emailed Tom the hero maker in charge of the volunteers and I met him on Saturday at L'Eroica for the volunteers briefing, which Tom informed me I could help out at Hartington food stop, awesome. So after that I went for a walk into Bakewell town and it was busy with tourists, L'Eroica cyclists and festival goers. On the way back to the festival ground I accosted a gentleman who had a bandaged knee and asked if he was doing the ride tomorrow, to which he said he was doing the 55 miles and I mentioned what I did with the treatments and said to meet him later at his tent for a treatment. I went off around the handsome vintage stalls, enjoying the beautiful relaxed atmosphere in the gorgeous sunshine with the beautiful vintage bikes and people around. I came upon the Clif Bar company who's products are vegan and organic although they are awaiting the certification for the UK, they seem a real ethical company from America with their employees and helping local communities, I was very impressed with their products and ethics especially about the GMO issue. So I caught up with the gentleman I was going to treat and also worked on his mate too during the beautiful warm summers evening. On Sunday morning I was waiting give my brother, Hayden, and his friend Ben a lift to L'Eroica, putting their Peugeot bikes in the back of the Volvo estate on top of my couch and set off to Bakewell arriving at just after 8 am. by the Pimms bus bar for their mates to turn up as they were riding in a group of 8. So they went and got a coffee and the festival was quiet as most were either waiting at the start in town or had already started their rides by this time! Their mates did not turn up till after 8.30 am and one of them decided to spend 15 minutes to get a coffee and water when it was so quiet and service was quick, never mind their cut off point was 9 am for the 55 miles, which was winding one or two of them up! They made the cut off point by one minute to go! I already had left them and set off for Hartington via Youlgreave, taking a few misturns as I was driving by memory of google maps the night before instead of using my trusty M8 navigation app, as I thought I would be fine and I find it fun to try to drive by memory at times. I arrived at Hartington around 9.15 am and there were already a mass of handsome riders relaxing with their food and drinks as I off loaded my couch and my own food and drink for the day. I set up my couch and asked the main volunteer in charge, Rosie, if I was required to help anywhere and it seemed I could do my Be Activated treatments. Sweet! I set up my couch in a nice shady spot between Rosie's stand and the bike mechanic. I preceded to soak up the relaxed resting atmosphere, which very much reminded me of the Mediterranean, with the handsome riders and bikes, I took some photos to tweet, but alas my phablet (samsung mega) signal said no to tweets, which was all day even back at Bakewell! I nearly photo bombed the photos of Luciano Berruti! So I awaited my first victim, well rider of the day to treat, (wink) (however most of my previous clientele would agree with victim due to the pain they experience as I work on various of points, however, when I am finished and they are moving around, they notice the massive difference in their body and the lack of pain.)(smiles) After 10.30 am Hayden and his team mates arrived at the food stop which wasn't too bad for 20 miles, even though he said he could probably run quicker, as he mentioned the average speed was 10 mph! I had already worked on a couple of riders by that point and more soon followed, I worked on 14 riders in all, some I had a little more time with others team mates were waiting so I soon learned to speed up the process which meant I cut out all of the muscle testing in the end, which is a useful tool in showing how much the body and muscles are functioning better and creates more integrity in the activations, however the activations are pretty powerful by themselves and with the sexy belly breathing that I got all of them to do and some combining the sexy belly breathing with squeezing their butts, which helps to affirm the activations and to tell their body to function in a more relaxed and powerful state. Some of the 100 milers were already showing up just after half ten, as Hartington was half way point for them as I mistook one for what they were saying and to my surprise they had turned up at this time and more soon followed as most of the 55 milers left to continue on with their ride. I was awaiting the arrival of my dad who was cycling up along the trails from Middleton Top to Hartington, whom was hoping he would bump into his son cycling the other way, alas they sailed pass each other on different parts due to trying to estimate timings! My dad arrived just after quarter past twelve and fueled up with one of my many bananas and some of my delicious vegan gluten free focaccia stuffed full with veggies bread. At which point I got 3 handsome riders to work on who were all friends. My apologies as remembering names is one of my weak points however due to a later meeting I know one of the very handsome gentlemen was Ivan 354, 995. My dad took some photo's and videos whilst he was there, when I was working on the handsome Ivan and his friends. I gave out one of my leaflets with my contact details on to all I treated even if you are not local to me, I will travel for group or I can find you your local Be Activated Facilitator. My dad decided to ride back to Middleton Top back along the trails and hopefully not overshooting the distance this time on the way back to his car! The tail end charlies ~ the sweeper crew, rode in on modern carbon bikes, for the 100 milers and 55 milers arrived after quarter past one, which meant that there was no more riders coming through just who were at the food stop were the last. So just after 2.15 pm we were all packing away and then some of us made our way back to Bakewell. I decided to go a different way back to Bakewell on the beautiful hot sunny afternoon, which coincided with the large tractors zipping through Hartington along the way I was going, to get their grass silage picked up off the fields near Monyash. I was driving up and down some more wonderful hilly climbs for bikes. I just got back to the festival before 3 pm and I was expecting my brother to already be there and my farther too, but none of them were. I met up with me dad then I found out Hayden was just leaving Chatsworth, by all accounts they'd been drinking plenty of Pimms at the food and drink stop there. So Hayden zoomed past racing his mate Mark (snake) to the finish line, ( I managed to photograph his backend!) scaring the crap out of someone crossing on the finishing drag at the time, as they both went either side the chap, racing till the line came, skidding and sliding all over the place on the grass! They were the only two to race to the finish like that, but well this is what happens with very competitive team mates, gets even dafter between them during the triathlon practice rides apparently! I should have been on the finishing straight to capture the daft moment, sure someone did you wouldn't have been able to miss them if you were watching at quarter to four! His team mates followed behind, some by a good margin, which they got ribbed for by the others, but it was a jolly adventure rather than serious one, thankfully so, but boys will be boys on competing when there is no requirements to do so! So they all got their free beers and were all full of glee at the #GBA that they partook in and met with their families, sharing their tales of their 55 miler adventure. More beers to be of had and food to be eaten as the afternoon partied on as more heroic riders finished the course all welcomed with cheers over the finish line, everyone photographing each other in the glorious beautiful hot sunshine, best weather ever for this festival. I enjoyed meeting my brother's fellow riding companions and their families and listened to their banter as the hot afternoon flowed along, keeping an eye out if any of whom I worked on crossed the line to ask them how they got on and one lovely lady came up to me to thank me again as it helped her out with the ride. I saw a few riders who were all wanting to get their free beer, the handsome trio, 354, 995, came in which the delightful Ivan was apart of and had a brief chat with them. As the afternoon drew on into the evening, just like being in the Mediterranean with the weather the air and the sun, relaxing with my brother's friend Campbell and his family. So relaxed that we knew the bikes were safe as everyone just ogled each others bike with pride and joy. By the evening a few were quite drunk but happy and lovingly drunk enjoying the music from the stage, soon my lovingly drunk brother wanted to go, then, the handsome refreshed Ivan turned up,which I regret not being able to stay and talk away the rest of the evening with him and his friends as it would of been delightful I am sure, as I was enjoying our talk until my attention got too focused on my lovely drunk cycling brother! My fear over took of his silliness and I fear that I offended you, Ivan, when my brother said to exchange numbers when I meant that I gave you my details already and I said it harshly and I am sorry I wasn't present enough and for the way I said it and acted, as my brother is always good at pushing certain buttons as I am with him. I am deeply sorry I was not present enough as I could of helped you out with the trapped nerve issue there and then and I gladly would of given you my contact details again. I would love to meet for a drink/juice when I am down in London if you read this and can accept my apology as I still would love to help out with that trapped nerve issue! Drunk cycling what a sight! However on the way back to the car, guiding my brother to the where the car was parked, we nearly flew past a twin, a Peugeot twin only slightly smaller, I wondered why he came to an immediate breakneck stop, so he asked the gentleman if it was possible to purchase and it was, he got his number, so we may have another Peugeot just the same joining his bike clan soon, although the one he was riding was indeed our dad's and I used to ride when I was 17-18 and I am much shorter than either of them, although leg length is longer than my dad's is now! On the beautiful drive back home, the lovely drunk was gushing about the day and how it was still light at after 9 pm, as of course it was held over summer solstice, which was just perfect to do so, as it only just started to get a little cooler when the sun dipped below the horizon, glorious day, glorious evening. The next day after, wow what a weekend, especially the Sunday, someone tweeted it was like a wonderful love affair and they were right, normally I dislike being around those getting drunk, but at L'Eroica they were all happy and relaxed and recovering and savouring the ride. I felt flat after all the joy and yet upon checking my brother's strava, he wrote it was his best day of his life! Wow! And I enjoyed spending time with him and I think he did with me.( winks) I know it's not about competition but on some of the strava segments that the L'Eroica riders recorded had beaten those who done certain segments previously on carbon frame road bikes and yet these steel frame road bike had got better times, now I found that interesting and I say someone should do a challenge to see which gets better times and I would love the heavier steel bikes to win as that would be so amusing with all this modern technology and the old ways end up being better! (winks and smiles) My dad had an idea about having a grass track to race round on the vintage steel bikes, but I know the ethos is just about going riding not competing, it is what use to happen at county shows, riders would come from all over to race the grass circuit, which could be good fun for the Friday and Saturday evenings, if there was space to be found, maybe creating a circuit around the stalls when they are shut just for fun rather than any real winner. Anyway I am glad I volunteered and managed to give some treatments to help the riders out, I will definitely be back next year as I have fallen in Love with L'Eroica Britannia, this wonderful vintage relaxed #heroic #GBA! L'Eroica Britannia 2014 Telling tales of their Great British Adventure on their vintage bikes, before 1987, Beers in hand, basking in the beautiful hot sunshine, clapping other riders as they cross the finishing line, families proud of their partners tales, sunburnt and joyful as the afternoon drifts on, filled on pies and puddings, as the sun drifts of for another day, say goodbye to new friends made, sharing in the love to be gave, night is light as sleep abounds, goodbye L'Eroica thankyou for all the wonderful days. Side note, only downside and issue I found was with the porta loos, smelling so much, I have a sensitive nose. So maybe getting more porta loos for next year and getting them cleaned out more regularly, as even the running water/flushing portable loos were stinky. You can get urinals for the men and even women if shewee were there, only a suggestion to make the toilet experience better for everyone, especially when camping.
That's right techniques that actually work to getting your squat more comfortable and mobile, also no nonsense or an overload of information that makes the mind boggle to what you are supposed to do, just apply and feel the difference in your squat mobility. If you are following Ido's squat 30/30 on Facebook, 30 minutes for 30 days like I am, I have come across those struggling with compromised form. Now I do my whole Be Activated sequence most days ( there is more than what I have shared on the video and the articles.) then before doing the 30/30 I was doing the toe prep from the fundamentals of human movement course I went on and since adding in Ido's 2 routines below thing are all coming together and progressing quite nicely. So I suggest that you follow these video's and see how your squat and body improves with your practice. My toe prep below is learned from Tony Riddle, who's videos are below mine showing the other work on the poles (broom handles) The work helps your feet become more functional, which in turn aids the squatting posture as you gain a better base throughout your feet. |
Just my musings..... Archives
February 2020